The Möllerstift Foundation.
Commitment and tradition.
Social commitment and support for the common good have been deeply rooted in MöllerGroup since the end of the 19th century. What began with the care and support of the sick and decrepit continues successfully today with the support of interns, kindergartens, and schools.
Taking on responsibility.
For more than 140 years.
Social commitment has played a central role in Möller’s corporate culture for more than 140 years. Brothers Theodor Adolf von Möller and Dr. phil. Karl Möller established the Möllerstift Foundation back in 1897 to help care for the ill and the elderly. The Foundation set up a hospital in the south of Bielefeld and ran it for many decades before turning it over to the town in 1952. The Möllerstift Foundation now dedicates itself to supporting numerous social initiatives.
The Foundation focuses on launching and developing projects to assist socially disadvantaged people and implementing these as exemplary projects. Some of this work is done with the help of local partners. Besides providing financial support, contributing to the projects often takes the form of personal involvement as well. The Board of Trustees is currently being chaired by the founders’ great-great-grandson, Dr. Peter von Möller.
Learn more at www.moellerstift.de