Out of responsibility for future generations.
Our company history, stretching back almost 300 years, is based on passing down corporate responsibility to the next generation. That’s why we also accept responsibility for future generations and want to use our sustainability goals to contribute to a world worth living in.
Our sustainability goals.
Our sustainability goals are based on three areas: governance (responsible corporate management), social and environmental. These three areas represent important pillars of MöllerGroup’s corporate responsibility. They reflect the various areas in which we want to make a positive impact. By promoting sustainability in various aspects of our business operations, we demonstrate a holistic commitment to sustainable development.

Our goals in responsible corporate governance.
We understand “governance” to mean the way our companies are managed, organized, and monitored. Responsible corporate governance includes transparency, ethics, integrity, and compliance with legal regulations. Companies like MöllerGroup, with a focus on governance, place importance on creating their business practices and implementing their decision-making processes in such a way that they reflect the interests of stakeholders while complying with social and ethical standards.
- Data protection and information security
Our processes and business operations depend to a large extent on information and information systems. Information security is more than just securing the technical infrastructure of a company. It means taking measures to ensure the availability, privacy, and integrity of information and information systems. Our data protection and security architectures meet the highest standards because we want to offer our employees, customers, supplier, and partners the greatest possible protection now and in the future.
- Compliance and adherence to our rules
To achieve our sustainability goals, we align our actions with the rules and values we have defined. Furthermore, our corporate activities are guided by Global Compact principles. To ensure compliance with our internal policies, we offer our employees the opportunity to report any violations of laws or our internal policies to a neutral compliance office if reporting to the respective manager, HR department, or works council is not desired. In all cases, personal information is treated as strictly confidential and processed promptly. No employee of MöllerGroup companies, including management, the HR department, or the legal department, is given access to the sender’s data or email address. This option is intended to promote transparency and integrity in our Group and to help protect ourselves from damaging behavior.
Our goals for how we treat one another.
“Social" relates to the social impact and contributions our company makes to the world. It is about how MöllerGroup and its companies contribute to improving the quality of life of its employees—but also of its customers, suppliers, and society as a whole. We pursue our social goals, for example, through a wide range of training and development programs, by promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and through our comprehensive corporate health management system. We also support and promote charitable initiatives through the Möllerstift Foundation.
- Training and development programs
We are continuously working on tailored training and development programs to provide our employees with the best possible support in all stages of their careers and to help them realize their potential.
- Diversity and equal opportunity
All employees of our global companies are treated equally, regardless of nationality, gender, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, or belief. We value and encourage collaboration in diverse teams, recognizing this as an opportunity for our company to achieve the best results. Our technical industries are still male-dominated.
We increase visibility and equal opportunities for women through targeted mentoring programs for high-potential female employees.
- Corporate health management
Our employees and, in particular, their health are our most valuable asset. We therefore offer a systematic and integrated corporate health management system that provides our employees with individual advice and support. In addition, our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), in cooperation with an external provider, offers confidential psychosocial counseling. Health promotion and preventive programs, as well as individual care through our company physician, round out our corporate health management program.

Our environmental goals.
“Environmental” focuses on sustainability and environmental impact. We are committed to minimizing our ecological impact. This is achieved by reducing emissions, increasing energy and resource efficiency, reducing waste, implementing environmental protection measures, and following sustainable procurement practices, among other things. MöllerGroup and its companies actively address ecological challenges and thus contribute to the preservation of the environment.
- Implementation of environmental standard ISO 14001
Our companies at the Bielefeld, Bruchsal, Delbrück, and Ohrdruf sites have already been certified. The remaining sites will follow in the coming years.
- CO2 neutrality
- Recording our CO2 emissions
- Reducing them by increasing efficiency and optimizing processes
- Using renewable energies
- Offsetting unavoidable CO2 emissions.
Together with our largest customers, we have committed to operating MöllerGroup’s automotive division completely climate-neutral as of January 1, 2039. We are currently working on a path to reduction with ambitious milestones for the coming years. The following four starting points will be key in this:
For the first step in this direction, we launched a pilot project for CO2 neutrality at our Bielefeld site in 2021. When it comes to climate protection, we take our entire value chain into account and also demand transparency from our suppliers in dealing with their CO2 emissions. - Resource conservation
We are focusing on reducing the amount of materials used in production, improving the recyclability of our products, and increasing the use of recycled materials. In this way, we can ensure a balanced relationship between quality and recycling requirements to create a holistic solution.
- Improved energy efficiency
- Analysis and optimization of processes to reduce energy consumption
- Decentralized energy generation and conversion—energy is provided where needed, transport losses are avoided
- Systematic detection of energy losses and their immediate repair
- Energy efficiency as a decision criterion in investment decision
The energy-efficient use of electricity, heat, cooling, and compressed air in the MöllerGroup production companies has been verified since 2013 by the consistent implementation of the ISO 50001 energy management standard. Numerous operational measures are used to promote the strategic goal of increasing energy efficiency every year. We focus on four aspects: